I joined Fresh from the oven lately and I’m ready to join the December challenge… whilst reading the instructions I found out something called sourdough starter, which basically it’s something you keep “alive” in your fridge for making bread… lol when I read that line I giggled, imagining a dancing lump of yeast living happily in my fridge, churning out loaves of lovely artisan http://pharmacy-no-rx.net/antibiotics.html bread. I’m toying with the idea… maybe I should have a pet in the fridge too, hehe.
Maybe… my mouldy jar of black olives will do?
P.S. I have big ideas for this month… firstly I’ll do the scones for Fresh From the Oven, then I’ll do more mince pies (Delia’s!), then I’ll cook a 3 course meal from my moomin cookbook! Watch this space…