
Anything sweet! Including cakes, desserts…

Annie’s Apple Crumble

Annie’s Apple Crumble

Our neighbours had given us a huge tray of apples… to be honest I didn’t expect it to come this early, I thought apples are more an autumn fruit! Anyway I turn to my trusted crumble recipe originated from BBCgoodfood website. I’ve made a few…

Raspberries Creme Brûlée

Raspberries Creme Brûlée

A quick french dessert that everyone loves, with a tangy raspberries twist.

Matcha Madeleines

Matcha Madeleines

Like many of the fellow foodies, I own way too many baking tins and my baking equipment cupboard is always full to the brim. A bundt tin, a swiss roll tin, a heart shaped tin, big round tins, small round tins, brownie tin… And really,…

Lemon posset – a medieval drink

Lemon posset – a medieval drink

Hello!  Wow it’s been a long time since I posted anything… And a lot had changed. I moved house, I had a baby!! As any parents to a newborn baby will tell you, mealtime during the first two weeks of the new sweet baby’s arrival…

Homemade DIY Gingerbread House Kit

Homemade DIY Gingerbread House Kit

I know it’s early. I know Halloween was only a few days ago… but I went to Boots yesterday and they’re already playing Christmas songs. (Don’t you feel a bit sorry for the staffs having to endure that for 2 months?) And amongst all the…

Ice-Cream Donut

Ice-Cream Donut

When I was asked to come up with an ice-cream recipe (not making it, but using ready made ones), I was so full of ideas and I surprised myself of all kinds of arteries clogging inventions I dreamt up. I think everyone needs an ultimate…

Amaretti Strawberry Mousse

Amaretti Strawberry Mousse

There’s a change in the air and suddenly summer doesn’t seem so far away any more. With the promise of a healthy glut of strawberries from the allotment, I’ve already been given the order of a strawberries and rhubarb pie from little Ashleigh. The pie…

Children in Need Cupcakes

Children in Need Cupcakes

So I said I’d bake some cakes for Children In Need cake sale at work! And Thursday comes, mild panic set in as I was dreading to produce bear cakes like … Anyway I made myself a tea and set to work, it is fiddly…

Green Tea & Tofu Panna Cotta

Green Tea & Tofu Panna Cotta

Panna Cotta – “Cooked Cream” in Italian, is without a doubt one of Ashleigh’s favourite dessert. It’s made of milk, cream and sugar, all boiled in a saucepan and gelatine added to it. A good panna cotta should have a good wobble, and definitely not…

What do I do with all the plums!

What do I do with all the plums!

We inherited a plum tree from the allotment. (Also an apple tree but that will be another story) I was faced with a tree full of plums, I mean… hundreds of them. I even made a fruit picker myself based on the childhood memory of…