The Butter of My Bread, The Breath of My Life

Just finished watching Julie and Julia, it’s a film about a 30 years old woman feeling lost in her life, taking on a one year challenge of cooking all of Julia Child’s french recipes and blogging it. It is such a girly film that I wanted to watch for so long! I think it’s a really really good film and I totally enjoyed it. It might mainly because of the similarity of Julie and me, we’re both 30, feeling like an under-achiever, bored by the hundrum life, have a very good husband, we blog about food, and we have also fell out with our husbands over cooking.

Julie and Julia
Julie and Julia

Of course… apart from the fact that she’s a lot funnier and she lives in New York where ingredients ain’t just chicken breasts and beef joints…

I admire her determination of doing 500+ recipes in a year. That is A LOT of recipes, I struggle to post every other day! To be honest my problem is that I’m lazy, and easily distracted. To say I’m otherwise… you either don’t know me very well or you must be lying. Ha. But, I will now try to be a bit better, and I still want to do my moomin cookbook. Remember I mentioned it in December? Well this is the time to do it. Expect moomin cooking very soon!

And by the way, I too, have a very supportive and lovely husband like Julie and Julia, and I can say too, that he is “The Butter of My Bread, The Breath of My Life”.

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