Valentine’s Choccies from Hotel Chocolat

Valentine’s Choccies from Hotel Chocolat

Valentine’s day is slowing creeping upon us… and guys, for once please don’t get a box of chocolate from tesco on the day with some half dead limpy flowers! Get some decent chocolate, and of course, some decent flowers too!

Check out what arrives last week…

This is from Hotel Chocolat, and do have a look at their Valentines range. I particularly like the look of “Open Your Heart to Me”, chocolates inside a heart shaped shell!! Genius!

My box of chocolate arrives in perfect condition, beautifully tied with a ribbon bow, and inside every single chocolate is completely intact, and facing the right way! How is that possible I do not know…

And look at all the flavours:

My personal favourite is Black cherry truffle. It’s tangy and goes with the dark chocolate shell and creamy centre extremely well. I find the alcoholic ones a bit too harsh, the Amaretto one left me with my mouth open going “haaa- harrr” for a while. And the Bakewell Tart one… I choked one it because I was having it with a cup of hot tea, the alcohol sort of vapourised into my throat lol. But I suppose ideally you should be eating it with a nice glass of wine (more alcohol?) with your love one. Champagne truffle is always a firm favourite, nice balance of alcohol and chocolate. The only one I found a little strange is the Strawberry and Pepper one… it is an acquired taste!

All in all it is a very well presented box of chocolate with unique flavours, I would definitely recommend it!

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